Sunday, December 13, 2009



So I started reading Otaku no Musume-san. Good manga.

Saturday, December 5, 2009



Biggest gaming news this century. Fuck those who disagree.

Friday, December 4, 2009


"This pre-owned product is guaranteed to work and includes a box with original cover art and instruction manual."

They don't even test the fucking games anymore, do they.

To top it all off, no manual. Whoever traded this in to Gamestop is a douchebag.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mushihime-sama Futari

Region free. I had no idea. Must buy.

Still haven't gotten around to recording Timesplitters yet, I will soon.
Blame Minecraft. I may even make vids of that first.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I've been feeling like playing Timesplitters lately, so I dug out my copies and my old xbox because microsoft decided it wasn't worth making the 360 backwards compatible for them. Fucking shitheads. Anyway, they have quotes all around two's box to support buying the game, first one right on the cover is "First Halo, Now This" - Xbox Nation. LOL. More like: First Halo, now a game that doesn't suck fucking balls.

Anyway, that's my plan for the next videos: Timesplitters 2 and 3.

Time to go eat some turkey.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Temporary Hiatus.

Due to increased working hours, Thanksgiving week, and a newfound interest in CoD4 Multiplayer, I won't be posting any videos this week... probably. I'd rather play Modern Warfare on my HD monitor than through the standard capture card.

Update: They weren't kidding about campers. Goddamn.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nothing to post about

Yet I still post.

I'm fed up with Beautiful Katamari for now. The time limits are relentless, but I'll get around to finishing it up.

I'll resume playing through Kingdom Hearts 2 soon, along with recording the bosses in Zone of the Enders.

Still haven't really looked into what I should use to host images for this. When I do... the manga chapter reviews will come. Hopefully some readers will too.

That's a wrap.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nothing much

Just changed how my profile looks, I think it looks better and cleaner this way.

Other than that, been uploading playthroughs of the Beautiful Katamari stages.

Once I stop being lazy and figure out an image provider and such, I'll get around to posting about Negima chapters, among other things. Until then, It will be random shit.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

YouTube crap.

I thought I had uploaded everything that the NESkimos had released, but it turns out I had forgotten one track. The last show they played with new material they also did a new cover of Punch-Out!! I just uploaded that, so now I should have every unique track they've produced up on my youtube account.

I was testing how well easycap records 360 games, I don't quite like how Dead or Alive 4 looks. It's nice but when the actions going fast it seems to blur the characters... Beautiful Katamari on the other hand looks great, I already uploaded the intro vid. I was trying to do a recording of the last stage, but I failed hard.

Other than that I have a metric shit ton of Kingdom Hearts 2 vids to upload, and I'm getting pissed at the game for having so many cutscenes in the beginning. I'm not even playing a game - I'm watching a movie. A bad one at that. Doesn't help that I've already seen all these cutscenes at least 4 times.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Easycap - It's not a pile of shit!

I've been wanting to get something to play my older consoles through my monitor without too much hassle, and I figured a capture card would probably be the easiest.

Wasn't sure if my laptop could even handle it, so I ended up buying an easycap from dealextreme. Thankfully, my laptop handles it easily. Not only that, but with a little tweaking with the Ulead Video studio it came with, I'm getting really nice recording quality. From a capture card that's $11. Didn't even have to buy or set up anything more than the capture card itself, with the software included with it I can play it full screen with nice sound quality while I'm recording.

Right now I'm recording a playthrough of Kingdom Hearts 2 on Hard mode, it's something that I never got around to doing. Beat it on normal twice before...

YouTube still rapes the quality, and these take a long time to upload.
I'll record better games later. Planning on Timesplitters 2 and 3, and Zone of the Enders.


Why was I even using Livejournal as a fake blog piece of shit anyway.
Anyway, old blog here
New blog here.

I look forward to once again posting to nobody in particular.
To those who stumble here, I'm sorry.

Some asshole took my name on here already, wrote one shitty post and quit. So much for

I'll fix this up to look nicer as I go, for now... screw it.